Homeward Bound

So after almost 6 months of different homes, bus stations, mercados, and so on and so forth, we are heading home.

My three favorites at the Quito Airport.

Our flight leaves Quito Airport at 12:35 am so technically tomorrow, and we have already not slept for almost 24 hours. We tried to sleep last night, but I think we are as excited to come home, as we were to start our trip....To me it feels like we are starting a new chapter in our lives. I loved Ecuador...I loved it's people, food and colors. I wish I could tell you everything that happened, the good, the fun, the ugly, and yucky, but I don't want to bore anyone...I bore myself plenty! ;) For now I will simply say, we are really glad we went, and we are home safe.

 Ok, most of us did not sleep, Terran slept like a champ, he is still young enough that the thought of airplanes, security and customs makes him excited not anxious....life in general does not stress Terran much.
Terran's only goal for this trip, to ride as many trains as possible. Here he is in the Skytram at the Houston Airport.

Off to Terminal C to catch our Calgary connection. Almost home!

We are looking forward to seeing family, friends, and even seeing snow.

My three favortires 

Wyatt would tell me in every city that we had one main goal, to come back alive, and that we did! ;) But along the way, I think we have learned a lot....I will ask each family member to write up a little bit about the trip from their perspective. For now we are on our way home, and happy.

Home Sweet Home

My kids NEVER nap, but after almost 2 days of not sleeping they were out....


  1. I hope you listened to Alberta Bound ;) I'm so glad you're home!


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