All throughout Peru and Ecuador, the locals use available building materials in all sorts of creative ways. One of my favourites is their use of rebar. In addition to its normal use as concrete re-enforcement, I have seen it used as bars on windows, as furniture, as fences, in art, as tools, as BBQ accessories (and grills themselves), as wagon frames, on decorative railings in churches, as car ramps up curbs... the list goes on and on. Here are a small fraction of the places I have seen it being used:
This entire market stall is selling stuff made from rebar |
Car Ramp |
Window Bars |
Drain Grate |
Restaurant Grill |
Cart Frame |
Collapsible Street Vendor Display Table |
Decorative Railings on the Largest Neo-Gothic Basilica in the New World |
Catwalk Structure in the Basilica |
Very creative! Will you be opening your rebar store? Haha.