Something Different.....

About a year and a half ago our family was driving north on Highway 11, admiring how beautiful Alberta is in the spring, summer and falls months. We love Alberta, it is honest to goodness one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. I love hiking in the mountains, visiting the library, walking in my community of Woodbine, my own happy place. What we were NOT looking forward to was the upcoming Alberta winter!
We had just completed a family mile stone, and my husband was itching to "Do Something Different...."But what? Perhaps this was the beginning of what is referred to as a mid-life crisis, but be that as it may, if it was going to be a mid-life crisis, although I am convinced we are too young for that, we were going to make it a good one!

                                                Alberta in the summer for us.

                                              What we are hoping to miss this winter

That car ride became a family brainstorming session. "We could go somewhere for a year, and live there.." "We could go to Spain, Mexico, or Peru, or maybe Eastern Canada." We had recently been reading a blog of another family in our community that had taken their kids, and traveled across Canada in an RV, I both admire them, longed for their courage, and thought they might also be a little crazy. People's work take them on adventures like these ones all the time, I thought, why could we not make our own adventure? But where should we go? for how long? how would such a move affect our family? is this the right time?
After talking it over with my husband, and sharing our ideas with friends, and family, we decided to take the plunge, and start to plan.
We searched the web. looking for people that had done similar things as what we were hoping to do, we read a few books about  families that had traveled with their children, and started planning. I found "The Family Sabbatical Handbook" to be supper helpful.
And so now, here we are, the day before we leave for our 6 month family trip to Peru , and Ecuador. With this blog we hope to tell you about how we prepared for our trip, stay in touch, and most of all we hope to hear from you!


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