Friends, and random pictures here in Cusco.

I wanted to write a little about some of the people we have met here in Cusco. As I have mentioned before we are lucky to find fast friends in our local church congregation. We still have one more Sunday here in Cusco and thought we would take the opportunity then to say good bye to our friends and take pictures too. Well, at the end of our church meeting we found out that next week church is cancelled all over Peru due to elections. Apparently a lot of shops, and churches do not meet since people have to travel back to vote in their designated areas, and no one goes to church anyway, thus we were not able to get pictures of all the many people that have shown us kindness here in Cusco, but here are a few:

Maija met two really nice girls at church, we could not find Aby, but here is Maija with her friend Flor. They kept asking Maija how to say things in English

Our family and a Sister from Venezuela and her son Aaron. She was the first ward member we met in Cusco...why can't I recall names!?! ARGH!

Terran, Hyrum, Wyatt and Maija. Hyrum was just the friendliest person. I think it is a requirement to be super friendly in order to be the ward mission leader.

Our for Pizza for FHE with Wyatt, Terran, Maija, Sister Van Horne (from Arizona) and Sister Romano (from Argentina). They are the local LDS missionaries in the Tuyumallo Ward. 
Above is a picture of us at a great pizza place near the Tuyumallo chapel in Cusco. We wanted to make the missionaries some yummy Canadian food, but realized that a) I'm not a great cook b) we could not think of anything except poutine, and c) how do you say gravy and cheese curds in Spanish, also where do you buy that?!?! The kids were really grateful for this American missionary that helped them during primary, and since Maija is closer in age to the missionaries than we are they became fast friends. Meeting many of these ward members made me wished we had decided to stay in Cusco for two months rather than one, but I guess it is good to leave a place wishing you could stay longer. 

Here are a few more random moments in Cusco....

Growing up I LOVED reading Condorito so I had to get a picture here!

Random Dinosaur eating a guinea pig

We found a cool luthier shop in San Blas. Here is Terran posing with a Charango

Neat mural in San Blas area. Cusco is full of cool street art

Ok, I'm not completely hopeless...Here is proof of my first Ceviche with a little Papa a La Huancaina! I think it tasted really good.


  1. Look at you guys being so friendly!

  2. Replies
    1. Baggee? You are reading our blog?! That makes me so happy! How are you?

    2. Need to email. This thing keeps wanting me to link my U of A account.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. love the potato dish. I think you were explaining that to me Monica a while back. I have a recipe for the sauce. so good! the people there are always so welcoming. they want you to stay. looks so fun!

  5. Love that you found friendship!


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