Feeling HOT, HOT HOT!.....Zorritos!

This leg of our long bus trip felt a lot faster (even though it was just as long as our last crazy bus trip). I guess the awesome seats (180 degree reclining seats on Oltursa buses come highly recommend!), personal TVs, view of the Ocean, and more importantly no traffic jams made it a really nice ride. On Tuesday late morning we arrived in Zorritos, a small town located in the North end of Peru. One of the best parts of this town is this friendly face.

My Mother enjoying some yummy fried fish in "El Brujo" restaurant in Zorritos.

Zorritos is HOT, HOT, HOT with average temperatures in the 30's and generally only going down to the high 20's at night.  It was big shock to our systems. I always thought I could handle heat, but the truth is that I am a wimp!  The kids take after their mother, and weirdly enough, our tall, blond gringo was able to handle the heat better than any of us.

After first after arriving I did wonder if 3 and half weeks here was such a good idea, but I had been looking forward to the beach, family, and spending time with my Mother.

I think the part that threw me off the most was that shortly after arriving in Zorritos both kids caught a nasty stomach bug, and the heat seem to make things worst. Maija was able to overcome the bug with rest, fluids, and time. Terran had to have a dose of antibiotics. While we were walking on the beach, and I was telling Terran that he needed to make the best of his current situation Wyatt reminded us that we maybe, just maybe we were complaining about something we should look at with different eyes, after all this is what our reality would look like for three weeks....

So....what was I complaining about again?

Sweet View!


  1. What are you complaining about!? Wow!
    My mom looks so happy!

  2. I think Lita has been waiting for you guys, no? Haha!

    I do not like the heat!! Give me this -40°C over that 30°C any day! Although, if you have beach and water, I'll take it ;p


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