How we get around in Zorritos....

Not having a car during our trip has been a HUGE bonus in our point of view. Both of us don't really enjoy driving a lot, so not having a car is kind of nice. We are forced to walk more, and slow down more. Back home if I need something from a store I just hop in the car and go, here I either walk, or plan a little head, or better yet take a MotoTaxi!...ok, you are probably thinking, is not having a car really that great? well if you see Peruvian drivers, and you are trying to share a road with them, you might be inclined to agree with me. ;)

So on the topic of cars, here are some cool rides we have taken here in Peru, unfortunately I did not think to take a picture of all the "combis" we took around Arequipa. Basically it is a small or large 12 seater van or small bus. There is usually a person riding half in and half out of the combi yelling the destinations. It is hard to explain, and my kids love them! Even now they walk around mumbling..."Cayma, Cayma, Cayma, Buenos Aires, Tobilla, Cayma!"

Terran's favorite Peruvian mode of transportation was the Moto Taxi, and with the hot weather in Zorritos it did feel great to go around in one of these Moto/trailer style vehicles.

We took this one from Suarez (My Mom's house) to Zorritos

Gabrielito and Terran at a Moto Taxi dealership

The kids caught a ride on this truck on their way up to Suarez again, somehow the front seat had three adults, my two kids, a fan in a box, and their backpacks, it was a tight ride.

In Puerto Pizarro we rode this cool boat from island to island. Funny story about that day, there was a little boy in the picture below between Prima Elen and my Mom. We thought he was the son of one of the guides that was taking us to the islands that day, well no. It turns out this little boy spends his days hoping from boat to boat, he gets food from tourists, and is hoping to be a guide someday so he just joins tour groups, and learns that way. He must have been not much older than Terran. I was both sad for this little guy's circumstances, and proud of this little boy for his resourcefulness. He was just the happiest little guy, I wished we had helped him somehow, but he hopped out in one of the islands, and it was after that that one of the drivers of the boat told us his story, I sure hope he becomes a guide someday!

Prima Elen, our future guide, Wyatt, My Mom, Terran, Monica, Gabrielito and Maija

In order to get back to Zorritos from my Mom's place we caught a ride with my Tio Jose Carlos (aka "Caballo"). He sells water to the near by hotels, and was taking a load down, so he gave us a ride back to Zorritos in his big water truck.

Terran and Tio Jose Carlos

Terran sweating up a storm after riding the water truck

The dashboard of the water truck. The people in Peru preserve their cars for a long time. 
In order to attend church in Zorritos we have to travel to a near by town around 20-30 mins away called La Cruz, Below is a picture of our ride to church, the taxi driver had his little boy with him in the front seat. The funny thing is the driver made sure to put his seatbelt on to avoid the cops stopping him, but having his two year old next to him in the front seat was not an issue ;)

It must have been a hot, and boring day for that little guy

Wyatt and Maija by the church building in La Cruz

This last car was by far mine and Wyatt's favorite ride, My Mom picked us up in this baby driven by a Primo Emilio...yes, everyone is a Primo in Zorritos. Emilio was also our ride to the Peru/Ecuador border in Huaquillas.

Terran hugging Emilio goodbye at the Ecuadorian border, that car reminded Wyatt of "the beast"

Inside Emilio's car.


  1. Your kids will never forget this trip!
    I love it!

  2. Haha! We came back chanting "Acho! Acho!" (From the combis)


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