Parque Jipiro, Loja, Ecuador

For our second Saturday here in Loja we decided to check out a park called Parque Jipiro. From the first day that we arrived here in Loja people had been telling us about this park. As usual we did not know what to expect, but the park did not disappoint. It is a huge green space with small monuments paying tribute to different parts of the world.

This cool Loja signs are all over the city

Maija with a Chinese dragon
Parque Jipiro in the Palta language means “place of rest” we loved all the replicas of world sites; Saint Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow, the Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, and many others.
The Eiffel tower!

St Basil's Cathedral

A little bit of Chinese culture for our kids

I love how green Ecuador is! And I know I have probably mentioned this a lot, but Loja is a very walkable city, which is perfect for our family. The kids had a really fun day in Jipiro park, they played in the playgrounds, we even rode a train!

Even though he is not smiling that little boy was pretty excited about the train

What?! Two trains!

Actually 3 trains!
Who is the short guy?

More Alpacas!
After a lot of walking we decided to go in search of food…..I know we should be seeking out Ecuadorian food, and we were…..but Wyatt found a yummy sushi place…..we all agreed SushiCat is our new favourite Lojano restaurant.

These kids are getting addicted to sushi

Some cool street art on our walk home
Another successful Saturday was had by all…..


  1. You guys and your sushi... haha

  2. Ahah trains! And sushi! Are there so many sushi because there are a lot of descendants of Japanese? Or it's just random and Ecuadorian love sushi?


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