Puerto Pizzarro

For our last Saturday in Peru we decided to take a little day trip out to the town of Puerto Pizarro. Everyone we talked to in Zorritos kept mentioning what a cool destination Puerto Pizarro was, so we decided to check it out.

Maija, Terran and Gabrielito at the Mirador of Puerto Pizarro
Pelicans hanging out by the shore

Puerto Pizarro is a little resort area located around 13 km from the city of Tumbes in the North of Peru. According to Wikipedia, it's inhabitants are mostly fishermen and sea shell collectors. Puerto Pizarro is the starting point to visit "Tumbes Mangals National Sanctuary." It was a cool little day trip, but how much you see here, really depends on the tides. During low tides you can almost walk from island to island, but due to distances you have to wait until high tide before visiting any of the local sites.

When you arrive in Puerto Pizarro there are dozens of people offering you tourist services. For around 120 Soles (around $50 CAN...which is on the high side...I always forget, you must always bargain down prices in Peru!) they can take a boat out for you, and you can spend time out on the islands, and a crocodile hatchery for a day, for as long as you like....depending on tides of course! It was a cool day, at the crocodile hatching place you can see all stages of the growth of these animals...from around cat size little guys to full on 5 m long crocodiles. This is one of the remaining areas where the endangered Tumbes Crocodile can be seen.

Maija, Wyatt, Terran, a local boy that got a ride in our boat, Gabrielito, Monica and Prima Elen

According to our guide the biggest guy here should grow to around 7 m....his name...GODZILLA. While all the other males are out, Godzilla was in the pond, only when Godzilla comes out,do the other crocodiles go into the pond...talk about Alpha male!

Our guide brought along some fish and fed these guys...THEY ARE SCARY CREATURES! Our guide told me to put Terran up on the edge of the enclosure so he could get a better view of the crocodiles, I don't think I have ever held as tightly to my boy as that day.

Terran's Peruvian BFF Gabrielito at the front of our boat.

"I am the king of the world!"....ok I said that...Terran has never heard of the movie Titanic.

Here are a few more photos from our Day in Puerto Pizarro....

Maija checking out the local shops of Puerto Pizarro

Wyatt, Maija, Prima Elen, Terran and I on our way to the Crocodile Hatching Place

Maija posing by some whale bones in Isla Hueso de Ballena


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