El Cajas National Park

Getting out in nature is great, and we were fortunate to have this opportunity today. Thursday morning Wyatt received an email from a friend saying “Wyatt and Monica,I realize it's very short notice, but it's a beautiful morning. Would today work for you to go hiking in the Cajas?”.....Yes, please! Wyatt worked out the details with his job, and off we were to El Cajas National Park. El Cajas is a national park about 30 Km from Cuenca, it has around 270 lakes, and lagoons. It is so densely green, it reminded of those movies about the Congo, and I thought at any minute a gorilla would jump out and say hello. 

To the left Susan and Gordon Foreman, to the right; Maija, Terran, and Wyatt at the trail head.

Since El Cajas is actually pretty high in altitude it is actually a little chilly there, nothing like Calgary in the winter, more like a cool fall day in Calgary. The highest point in El Cajas is around 4450 m, so not quite Rainbow mountain near Cusco, but pretty high. 

Getting to the park was not easy feat, there was no way we could have made it there without a friend with a car, and a four wheel drive car. After leaving the highway, we drove in a cobblestone path for around 20 mins or so. Everything in very Ecuadorian style was super green. The roads out to El Cajas were actually really good (not the cobblestone one, but the highway), it reminded me a lot of highway 1 near Golden. 

We took so many photos that day, it is hard to pick one, we also saw some wild alpacas, that was a highlight for me. I have been missing all the alpacas we saw in Peru. 

My feet were soaking wet, and I was so cold, but my heart felt really full, thank you Foremans for a wonderful day! Here are some photos from our day, enjoy!

A picture showing the elevation at El Cajas

My favorite photographer

There were some neat "ruins: around the park

So many lakes

Another contester for this Year's family picture

Happy Maija

I love this car, as soon as Wyatt saw it he knew I would want a picture by it....perhaps out retirement vehicle?!?

Thank you Foremans we could not have done this without you!


  1. Who are these Foremans? What a great day trip!

    1. Brother Foreman- Stake pres.
      Sis Foreman- His wife

  2. That type of car you like was the "mobilidad" that is the car that use to drive us to school!


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