Friendly Cuenca

Sunday we attended our local church here in Cuenca, one of the many reason why I love to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is that wherever we go we find community. We started planning this trip over a year ago, and part of my research of where to go, and what to do during our trip involved joining many expats Facebook groups. One of these many groups was Cuenca Expats, and I remember asking if there was anyone familiar with the LDS community in Cuenca. well I got a hit! I made a friend, and we have been corresponding for a while. She was helpful in telling me about the church here in Cuenca, giving me advise about housing, and many other questions. I should have send Nancy a message when we arrived in Cuenca, lucky for me, and to my happy surprise Nancy was one of the first people I saw at church on Sunday!

Lunch in Nancy and Chuck's beautiful backyard (Nancy and Chuck are standing in the back)

Nancy introduced us to many people at church, and invited us to her home that same afternoon for a lovely meal. She has the coolest, most welcoming backyard. I am amazed by the kindness and generosity people have shown us during our trip. Nancy knew very little about me, yet she welcomed me, and my family with open arms. She is such a sweet, and social person. Her home was filled with friends, and good food.  Thank you Nancy! Your kindness really meant a lot to me.

Here are a few more photos from that lovely afternoon.

The kids playing with bubble wands

Cool backyard, right?


  1. What a blessing! Isn't it neat how the internet can be used for such a great thing!?


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