Family time, and saying goodbye......

Tonight was our last night here in New Jersey. It feels like we were back home a long time ago, but also that we blinked and our week was done. We spend a little bit of time at home in the evening taking pictures, and saying goodbye. I met my brother Carlos for the first time. This part of the trip has been pretty emotional for me.
Meeting so many family members has been a wonderful experience. Meeting my Sister Pilar was just an amazing experience. She is so hard working, intelligent, kind. I see how much love she gives as she takes care of everyone around her, specially her parents. I can see why she fits so well in the medical industry, she is a doctor, and a remarkable individual. Pilar has inspired me to be a better person. The kids are excited to continue this journey, but were really sad to say goodbye.
We learned about Abuelito's life. He worked as an explorer for various oil companies in Peru. He told the kids about his work for Shell in Peru, about going into the Peruvian jungle looking for oil. We heard about Abuelito Emilio, and Abuelita Eufrosina, and even saw a picture of them. It was so great to make that family connection.

Here are some more family photos.

Tia Emma made us the best Ceviche ever! Ceviche is a Peruvian food usually made with chopped red onions, black pepper, sea salt, white fish, and lime juice. The raw fish is marinated in lime juice, and it is actually cooked by the citric acid of the lime juice. Tia Emma also added shrimp to her Ceviche, if you are ever in Peru, this dish is a must try! The kids LOVED the Ceviche, Terran declared it "amazing!" The family also made us some amazing dinners including: Arroz con Pollo, Canchita, Tamales, we ate Peruvian style, and we ate well!

My Tia Emma with Terran, those two really clicked. 

Monica, Maija, my brother Carlos, and Terran shortly after the first time we met. 

Pilar treated us to some yummy ice cream. Pilar, Terran, Maija and Wyatt

Monica and Roman Baca

Terran sharing his sense of style with Abuelito Roman.

My nephew Marco wearing a pretty stylish hat. 

Terran, Roman, Pilar, Maija and Pilar's Mom Brigida Baca

Marco, Terran, Pilar, Maija, and Cesar

Maija, Monica, Wyatt, Abuelito Roman, and Terran

Wyatt, Maija, Monica, Terran, Cesar, and Marco


  1. Good job sister! You are amazing too! I am happy to see you having fun. Safe travels!

  2. This is so emotional to see you with the side of the family you are meeting for the first time! Families are the most important thing we have!

  3. So cool you got to hear all those stories!


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