
Hello everyone! This is my first blog post. We are in Cusco now. We have a nice little apartment on a quiet street. There is a lot of off-leash dogs roaming the premises. We saw at least 15 of them!

Roaming dog
We ate at a Chinese restaurant for lunch today. We ate noodles, rice and won-ton soup. It was not the same as the Calgary kind. This had chicken and won-ton wrappers separate. For supper, "arroz con pollo" (rice with chicken).
We miss everyone! Hope to hear from you!


Walking to the Historic Centre
Monica in Plaza Mayor de Cusco

A street in the Historic Centre

Inca stones

Plaza Mayor de Cusco

Corner store

Abandoned car on our way to church

Our apartment is just up this hill

Street in Cusco

Plaza Mayor de Cusco

Find 4 dogs!


  1. Hahaha! I love your post Maija. How was church in Cusco? We were thinking of you all today :) Spencer and I went to Spanish ward in Calgary, today. We love and miss you too! So happy you're having all these adventures though.

  2. Thank you for posting Maija!!
    Hope you and Terran and your parents are having lots of fun!
    Did you find the stone with the 12 angles? I think it's 12..



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