
Despite the airport issues, we made it to Lima, only a day late.

Kudos to United for taking care of us - they put us on the next available flight to Houston, and the next day we got on a flight to Lima.  When we were booked on the Lima flight we were not all sitting together (understandably, as we were added only the day before).  When I talked to the gate agent about letting us board early so that we could help Terran get situated, he went so far as to re-arrange seating to give some others seat upgrades so that we could sit with the kids.  Thanks, United!

Upon arrival we went through customs and talked with the nicest customs agent ever (I am used to the American style where they sit you down in a dark room, shine a spotlight in your face and ask you about your whereabouts on November 22 1963).  We then proceeded on to the official taxis, whereupon we got a ride to our first AirBnB in the Miraflores district of Lima (this is around 1:00 AM at this point).  The host greeted us, gave us the rundown of things, and we went to bed.

View from our bedroom
Miraflores is the ritzy area of Lima; things are safe here, and apparently there are all the amenities that Westerners would expect.  As soon as Terran wakes up we will head out to see what is around, although it's now 9:00 and he is still down for the count... I think he is completely airplane-ed out.

More pictures from the apartment:


  1. I am so happy to hear that you keep getting treated like a princess!!!
    I need to borrow your kids next time I travel!!! Hahahaha
    Happy you are safe and sound .
    I hear you are going to see cats today arghhhhh!


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