More Walking in Manhattan....

Today we headed back to Manhattan, this time we took the subway all the way to Lower Manhattan, the goal for the day was to get a good view of the Statue of Liberty, and explore the city a bit more. Taking the subway is actually fairly simple, and we found out the Staten Island Ferry is actually a cool, and free way to see the Statue of Liberty up close.

Finally riding the subway!

On the Staten Island Ferry

What a view!
After seeing the Statue we walked along the shore towards the Brooklyn Bridge.

We were getting pretty hungry by this point, so of course my mind went to Chinatown. Chinatown, and little Italy were really cool. 

We decided to be adventurous in our food choice, so we went into this restaurant where we had no idea what the welcome sign said, but hey the food was great!

This dish was only $3.98 US, and it was great sea food.

Not sure what this game was, but it looked intense

Markets in Chinatown

We really liked Chinatown.


  1. You've captured places and things that I've seen in movies about Manhattan!and look how much fun you are having with your beautiful craving for Chinese food right now ❤I'm adding Manhattan to my list!

  2. Oh Moni! Chinatown!! A family tradition!! Hahaha!
    I love following your blog!
    Keep posting!

  3. Forever memories, the Statue of Liberty, the ferry...


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