Sacsayhuman and my husband the new Peruvian celebrity....

Tonight for Family Home Evening we visited our last Inca ruin in the Cusco Tourist Ticket. We went to Sacsayhuaman. I'm glad we left a night just for Sacsayhuaman, it was such a beautiful place. One of the guides we spoke to, told us that the city of Cusco was originally made in the shape of a Puma, and that Sacsayhuaman was the head of the Puma. The original citadel was made by the Killke culture around 1100 AD, and later expanded and added to by the Incas. The size of the rocks here is REALLY impressive.

The kids can't get enough of the alpacas

Look at the size of those rocks!

My three favorites

Also we saw pictures of this archaeological site in the dry season, and it made me glad that we are here during the rainy season, everything is so much greener. I'm a bit tired from the afternoon of walking, so I will just share a few pictures. We saw a couple of European girls taking funny photos, and they offered to help us do a few.

We needed a good focal point for this picture to be interesting, Maija volunteered ;)

Another contender for this year's family photo

And speaking of funny pictures, something funny happened to Wyatt today. He is somewhat of a Peruvian celebrity. There were a few school groups visiting Sacsayhuaman today, and a few asked Wyatt if they could take their pictures with him. I have heard of this happening to Caucasians in Asia, I did not know it would happen to Wyatt in Peru. Maija tried to snap a picture of the craziness around Wyatt.

Peruvian youth asking Wyatt for a photo

Please tell me I am taller than this girl when I stand next to Wyatt
Here are a few more shots of Sacsayhuaman...good night dear friends, and sweet dreams.

Terran riding down a natural slide

Gotta have your peeking pictures


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